FM.IceLink Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AecContext |
An acoustic echo cancellation context.
| |
AecPipe |
An acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) pipe.
| |
AfbControlFrame |
An Application Layer Feedback control (RFC 4585).
| |
AndroidLogProvider |
Log provider that writes output to the Android log.
| |
AppControlFrame |
An RTCP APP packet.
| |
Ascii |
ASCII encoding/decoding utility.
| |
AsymmetricKey |
An asymmetric key.
| |
AtomicInteger |
A integer that can be operatered on atomically.
| |
AtomicLong |
A long that can be operatered on atomically.
| |
AtomicMutex |
A managed mutex.
| |
AudioBranch |
An audio branch.
| |
AudioBuffer |
An audio buffer.
| |
AudioBufferCollection |
An audio buffer collection.
| |
AudioClock |
A clock used to raise audio data in appropriate intervals.
| |
AudioConfig |
An audio configuration.
| |
AudioDecoder |
An audio decoder.
| |
AudioDepacketizer |
An audio depacketizer.
| |
AudioEncoder |
An audio encoder.
| |
AudioFormat |
An audio format.
| |
AudioFormatCollection |
A collection of audio formats.
| |
AudioFrame |
An audio frame.
| |
AudioMixer |
A mixer that mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output.
| |
AudioPacketizer |
An audio packetizer.
| |
AudioPipe |
An audio pipe.
| |
AudioRecorder |
An audio recorder.
| |
AudioSink |
An audio sink.
| |
AudioSource |
An audio source.
| |
AudioStream |
An audio stream.
| |
AudioTrack |
An audio chain.
| |
Base64 |
Base64 utility.
| |
BaseStats |
Base stats.
| |
BasicAudioDepacketizer |
A basic audio depacketizer.
| |
BasicAudioPacketizer |
A basic audio packetizer.
| |
BasicVideoDepacketizer |
A basic video depacketizer.
| |
BasicVideoPacketizer |
A basic video packetizer.
| |
Binary |
Common binary methods.
| |
BitAssistant |
Contains methods for cross-platform bit manipulation.
| |
BooleanHolder |
Class to hold a boolean value passed by reference.
| |
Build |
Details about the current build.
| |
ByeControlFrame |
An RTCP BYE packet.
| |
ByteCollection |
A collection of bytes.
| |
ByteHolder |
Class to hold a byte value passed by reference.
| |
ByteInputStream |
An buffer of bytes that can be read sequentially.
| |
ByteOutputStream |
An buffer of bytes that can be written sequentially.
| |
Candidate |
A candidate.
| |
CandidatePairStats |
Candidate pair stats.
| |
CandidateStats |
Candidate stats.
| |
CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint |
A certificate to be used for secure communication.
| |
CertificateStats |
Certificate stats.
| |
CharacterHolder |
Class to hold a character value passed by reference.
| |
CircularBuffer |
A circular buffer.
| |
CircularDataBuffer |
A DataBuffer that uses a circular buffer to manage data.
| |
CodecStats |
Codec stats.
| |
CollectionT, TCollection |
A collection of values.
| |
Color |
A color.
| |
Connection |
A peer-to-peer connection.
| |
ConnectionBaseTConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel |
Connection base properties/methods.
| |
ConnectionCollection |
A collection of connections.
| |
ConnectionStats |
Connection stats.
| |
ConsoleLogProvider |
Log provider that writes output to the Console.
| |
Constants |
A collection of platform-independent constant values.
| |
Crc32 |
Calculates CRC32 checksums.
| |
DataBuffer |
Binary data buffer implementation
| |
DataBufferPool |
A data buffer pool.
| |
DataBufferStream |
A data buffer stream.
| |
DataBufferSubset |
A subset of a DataBuffer.
| |
DataChannel |
A data channel.
| |
DataChannelBaseTDataChannel |
Data channel base properties/methods.
| |
DataChannelCollection |
A collection of data channels.
| |
DataChannelReceiveArgs |
Arguments for the data channel receive event.
| |
DataChannelStats |
Data channel stats.
| |
DatagramSocket |
A datagram socket.
| |
DatagramSocketCreateArgs |
Arguments for a datagram socket create event.
| |
DataStream |
A data stream.
| |
DataStreamBaseTDataChannel |
Data stream base properties/methods.
| |
DataStreamStats |
Data stream stats.
| |
DebugLogProvider |
Log provider that uses System.Diagnostics.Debug.
| |
DispatchQueueT |
A dispatch queue that can either dispatch serially or concurrently.
| |
Dns |
DNS utility methods.
| |
DnsRequest |
A DNS request.
| |
DoubleHolder |
Class to hold a double value passed by reference.
| |
DtlsCertificate |
A certificate to be used for DTLS communication.
| |
DtlsFingerprint |
A DTLS fingerprint.
| |
DtlsParameters |
A set of DTLS parameters.
| |
Dynamic |
Supplies class instances with a key-value
mapping to support dynamic property storage.
| |
EcdsaCrypto |
Elliptic-curve-based cryptographic functions.
| |
EcdsaKey |
An elliptic-curve key.
| |
Error |
An error.
| |
FakeAudioSource |
A fake audio source.
| |
FakeVideoSource |
A fake video source.
| |
Feedback |
Control frame feedback.
| |
FeedbackControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback packet.
| |
FileAssistant |
A utility class for reading/writing from/to a File.
| |
FileStream |
A file stream.
| |
Fingerprint |
A fingerprint.
| |
FirControlFrame |
An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet.
| |
FirEntry |
An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet entry.
| |
FloatHolder |
Class to hold a float value passed by reference.
| |
FutureT |
A future.
| |
FutureBaseT |
Future base properties/methods.
| |
FutureExtensions |
Windows only Future extensions
| |
GenericNack |
A Generic NACK feedback message.
| |
GenericNackControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback RTP-Generic NACK packet.
| |
HashContext |
A hash context.
| |
HashContextBase |
A hash context.
| |
HttpFileTransfer |
Helper methods for downloading binary files.
| |
HttpRequestArgs |
Arguments for sending an HTTP request.
| |
HttpRequestCreatedArgs |
Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP request is created.
| |
HttpResponseArgs |
Arguments for receiving an HTTP response.
| |
HttpResponseReceivedArgs |
Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP response is received.
| |
HttpSendFinishArgs |
Arguments for OnSendStart.
| |
HttpSendStartArgs |
Arguments for OnSendStart.
| |
HttpTransfer |
Base class that defines methods for transferring content over HTTP.
| |
HttpTransferFactory |
Creates implementations of HttpTransfer.
| |
HttpWebRequestSender |
An HTTP web request sender.
| |
HttpWebRequestTransfer |
Defines methods for transferring content over HTTP using the HttpWebRequest.
| |
IAudioInputCollection |
A collection of audio inputs.
| |
IAudioOutputCollection |
A collection of audio outputs.
| |
IceParameters |
A set of ICE parameters.
| |
IcePortRange |
An ICE port range.
| |
IceServer |
An ICE server.
| |
IceServerCollection |
An ICE server collection.
| |
IceServerTest |
An ICE server test.
| |
IceServerTestResult |
An ICE server test result.
| |
IMediaInputCollectionTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TMediaInputCollection |
A media input collection.
| |
IMediaOutputCollectionTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TMediaOutputCollection |
A media output collection.
| |
IntegerHolder |
Class to hold an integer value passed by reference.
| |
IVideoInputCollection |
A collection of video inputs.
| |
IVideoOutputCollection |
A collection of video outputs.
| |
JitterAudioPipe |
A audio pipe that implements a jitter buffer.
| |
JitterConfig |
A Jitter config.
| |
JitterVideoPipe |
A video pipe that implements a jitter buffer.
| |
Json |
JSON utility class.
| |
JsonLite |
Contains methods for serializing/deserializing System.Json.JsonValue instances.
| |
JsonProvider |
Base class for all JSON provider implementations.
| |
JsonSerializer |
Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON
as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks
are supplied to assist with the conversion.
| |
Layout |
A layout definition, including local
and remote frame definitions.
| |
LayoutFrame |
A layout frame definition, including X/Y coordinates and width/height values.
| |
LayoutManagerT |
A class that supplies simple video frame layout management.
| |
LayoutPreset |
A layout preset.
| |
LayoutTable |
Defines the results of a layout calculation.
| |
License |
A license.
| |
LinkedListT |
A linked list.
| |
LinkedListEnumeratorT |
A linked list enumerator.
| |
LinkedListNodeT |
A linked list node.
| |
LocalMedia |
A collection of local audio/video tracks.
| |
LocalMediaBaseTLocalMedia, TAudioTrack, TVideoTrack |
A collection of local audio/video track base methods.
| |
LocalNetwork |
Local network utility methods.
| |
LockedRandomizer |
Thread-safe class providing access to a single Randomizer.
| |
Log |
Log utility class.
| |
LogProvider |
Base class for all logging provider implementations.
| |
LongHolder |
Class to hold a long value passed by reference.
| |
MacContext |
A message authentication code (MAC) context.
| |
MacContextBase |
A message authentication code (MAC) context.
| |
ManagedAutoResetEvent |
Managed AutoResetEvent.
| |
ManagedConcurrentDictionaryTKey, TValue |
A ConcurrentDictonary that maps to the appropriate platform version.
| |
ManagedConcurrentQueueT |
A thread-safe queue.
| |
ManagedConcurrentStackTValue |
A ConcurrentStack that maps to the appropriate platform version.
| |
ManagedCondition |
A managed condition.
| |
ManagedLock |
A managed lock.
| |
ManagedSocket |
A socket.
| |
ManagedStopwatch |
Managed stopwatch.
| |
ManagedThread |
Managed thread.
| |
ManagedTimer |
A managed timer that will tick on intervals. Might catchup if callback takes too long.
| |
MathAssistant |
Contains methods for cross-platform math operations.
| |
Md5Sha1HashContext |
An MD5-SHA1 hash context.
| |
MediaTAudioTrack, TVideoTrack |
A collection of audio/video tracks.
| |
MediaBaseTIAudioTrack, TIVideoTrack |
A collection of audio/video track base methods/properties.
| |
MediaBranchTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media branch.
| |
MediaBufferTFormat, TBuffer |
A media buffer.
| |
MediaBufferCollectionTBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media buffer collection.
| |
MediaCollection | Obsolete.
A collection of remote medias.
| |
MediaComponentStats |
Media component stats.
| |
MediaConfigTConfig |
A media configuration.
| |
MediaControlFrame |
A media control frame.
| |
MediaFormatTFormat |
A media format.
| |
MediaFormatCollectionTFormat, TFormatCollection |
A media format collection.
| |
MediaFrameTBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame |
A media frame.
| |
MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media pipe.
| |
MediaReceiverStats |
Media receiver stats.
| |
MediaRecorderTBuffer, TFormat |
A recorder.
| |
MediaSenderStats |
Media sender stats.
| |
MediaSinkTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media sink.
| |
MediaSinkBase |
Media sink base properties/methods.
| |
MediaSourceTIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media source.
| |
MediaSourceBase |
Media source base properties/methods.
| |
MediaStats |
Media stats.
| |
MediaStreamTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFormatCollection |
A media stream.
| |
MediaStreamBase |
Media stream base properties/methods.
| |
MediaStreamStats |
Media stream stats.
| |
MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media track.
| |
MediaTrackBase |
Media track base properties/methods.
| |
MediaTrackStats |
Media track stats.
| |
MutablePairT1, T2 |
A mutable 2-tuple.
| |
MutableUnitT |
A mutable 1-tuple.
| |
NackConfig |
A NACK Config.
| |
Native |
Base class for native interop.
| |
NetworkTimeProtocol |
Utility class to assist with Network Time Protocol (NTP) conversions.
| |
NotifyDispatchQueueT |
A dispatch queue can notify the called when the task has been ran.
| |
NullAudioSink |
A null audio sink that discards frames.
| |
NullJsonProvider |
An implementation of a JSON provider that does nothing.
| |
NullLogProvider |
An implementation of a logging provider that does nothing.
| |
NullVideoSink |
A null video sink that discards frames.
| |
PacketizedAudioBuffer |
A AudioBuffer containing an RtpHeader.
| |
PacketizedVideoBuffer |
A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader.
| |
PairT1, T2 |
A 2-tuple.
| |
ParseAssistant |
Contains methods for cross-platform primitive parsing from strings.
| |
PathUtility |
Collection of utility methods for working with the file system.
| |
PayloadSpecificControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback PS packet.
| |
Platform |
Platform-specific methods.
| |
PliControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback PS-PLI packet.
| |
PoolT |
A pool of objects.
| |
PoolStatistics |
Manager of the pool. Can take or return databuffers so that they don't get garbage collected.
| |
PriorityQueueT |
A priority queue.
| |
PromiseT |
A promise.
| |
PromiseBaseT |
Promise base properties/methods.
| |
Randomizer |
Utility class for random values.
| |
RedFecConfig |
RED Forward error correction (FEC) config.
| |
RembControlFrame |
An RTCP receiver estimated maximum bitrate (REMB) packet.
| |
RemoteMedia |
A collection of remote audio/video tracks.
| |
RemoteMediaCollection |
A collection of remote medias.
| |
ReportBlock |
An RTCP report block.
| |
ReportControlFrame |
An RTCP Sender or Receiver Report control frame.
| |
Resampler |
Utility class for resampling audio data.
| |
Rpsi |
An RTCP reference picture selection indication.
| |
RpsiControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback PS-RPSI Control Frame.
| |
RRControlFrame |
A receiver report control frame.
| |
RsaCrypto |
RSA-based cryptographic functions.
| |
RsaKey |
An RSA key.
| |
RtcLocalMediaTView |
An WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks.
| |
RtcRemoteMediaTView |
An WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of remote audio/video tracks.
| |
RtpControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback RTP control frame.
| |
RtpPacket | Obsolete.
An RTP packet
Fixed Header fileds:
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X| CC |M| PT | sequence number |
| timestamp |
| synchronization source(SSRC) identifier |
| contributing source(CSRC) identifiers |
| .... |
| |
RtpPacketHeader |
The header of an Rtp packet.
| |
SdesChunk |
An RTCP source description chunk.
| |
SdesControlFrame |
An RTCP SDES packet.
| |
SdesItem |
An RTCP source description item.
| |
SdesItemType |
An SDES Item Type.
| |
Serializable |
Base definition for classes that allow serialization to/from JSON.
| |
Serializer |
Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON
as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks
are supplied to assist with the conversion.
| |
ServerAddress |
An IP address and port, along with an optional
public IP address for listening behind a 1:1 NAT.
| |
SessionDescription |
A session description.
| |
ShortHolder |
Class to hold a short value passed by reference.
| |
SinkOutput |
A sink output (e.g. device, track, screen).
| |
Size |
A size (width and height).
| |
Sli |
An RTCP slice loss indication.
| |
SliControlFrame |
An RTCP Feedback PS-SLI packet.
| |
Sort |
Encapsulates useful sorting utilities.
| |
SoundConverter |
A pipe that converts sound.
| |
SoundReframer |
A pipe that reframes sound chunks into different durations.
| |
SoundUtility |
Sound utility methods.
| |
SourceInput |
A source input (e.g. device, track, screen).
| |
Splitter |
Utility class for splitting strings.
| |
SRControlFrame |
A sender report control frame.
| |
Stream |
A peer-to-peer stream.
| |
StreamBase |
Stream base properties/methods.
| |
StreamCollection |
A stream collection.
| |
StreamDirectionHelper |
Class containing utility methods to manipulate StreamDirection.
| |
StreamSocket |
A stream socket.
| |
StreamSocketCreateArgs |
Arguments for a stream socket create event.
| |
StreamStats |
Stream stats.
| |
StringAssistant |
Contains methods for string manipulation.
| |
StunServer |
A STUN server.
| |
SyslogProvider |
A log provider that sends messages to a syslog server.
| |
TcpSocket |
A TCP socket.
| |
TextLogProvider |
Simple log provider that writes to a local string builder.
| |
TimeoutTimer |
A thread-safe class for running timeouts on asynchronous methods.
| |
TlsCertificate |
A certificate to be used for TLS communication.
| |
TlsFingerprint |
A TLS fingerprint.
| |
TraceLogProvider |
Log provider that uses System.Diagnostics.Trace.
| |
Transport |
A transport.
| |
TransportAddress |
An IP address and port.
| |
TransportStats |
Transport stats.
| |
TripleT1, T2, T3 |
A 3-tuple.
| |
TurnAuthArgs |
Arguments for the TurnServer's authentication callback.
| |
TurnAuthResult |
The result of attempting to authenticate a TURN request.
| |
TurnServer |
An TURN/STUN server.
| |
UdpSocket |
A UDP socket.
| |
Unhandled |
Throws exceptions on a separate thread.
| |
UnhandledExceptionArgs |
Arguments for an unhandled exception.
| |
UnitT |
A 1-tuple.
| |
UnixTimestamp |
Utility class to assist with Unix timestamp conversions.
| |
Utf8 |
UTF-8 encoding/decoding utility.
| |
Utility |
Utility methods.
| |
VideoBranch |
A video branch.
| |
VideoBuffer |
A video buffer.
| |
VideoBufferCollection |
A video buffer collection.
| |
VideoConfig |
A video configuration.
| |
VideoDecoder |
A video decoder.
| |
VideoDepacketizerTFragment |
A video depacketizer.
| |
VideoEncoder |
A video encoder.
| |
VideoFormat |
A video format.
| |
VideoFormatCollection |
A collection of video formats.
| |
VideoFragment |
A fragment of a video frame.
| |
VideoFrame |
A video frame.
| |
VideoPacketizer |
A video packetizer.
| |
VideoPipe |
A video pipe.
| |
VideoRecorder |
An video recorder.
| |
VideoSink |
A video sink.
| |
VideoSource |
A video source.
| |
VideoStream |
A video stream.
| |
VideoTrack |
A video track.
| |
ViewSinkT |
A video view sink.
| |
WebSocket |
Implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8.
| |
WebSocketBase |
WebSocket base properties/methods.
| |
WebSocketCloseArgs |
Close arguments for the WebSocket class.
| |
WebSocketCloseCompleteArgs |
Arguments for OnComplete.
| |
WebSocketMockRequest |
A mock response object for the WebSocket protocol.
| |
WebSocketMockResponse |
A mock response object for the WebSocket protocol.
| |
WebSocketOpenArgs |
Open arguments for the WebSocket class.
| |
WebSocketOpenFailureArgs |
Arguments for OnFailure.
| |
WebSocketOpenSuccessArgs |
Arguments for OnSuccess.
| |
WebSocketReceiveArgs |
Arguments for OnReceive.
| |
WebSocketSendArgs |
Send arguments for the WebSocket class.
| |
WebSocketStreamFailureArgs |
Arguments for OnStreamFailure.
| |
WebSocketTransfer |
Base class that defines methods for transferring content over the WebSocket protocol.
| |
WebSocketTransferFactory |
Creates implementations of WebSocketWebRequestTransfer.
| |
WebSocketWebRequestTransfer |
Defines methods for transferring messages using the WebSocket protocol.
Interface | Description | |
IAudioElement |
An audio element.
| |
IAudioInput |
An audio input.
| |
IAudioOutput |
An audio output.
| |
IAudioReframer |
An audio reframer
| |
IAudioStream |
Audio stream interface.
| |
IAudioTrack |
Audio track interface.
| |
IConnectionTConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream |
Connection interface.
| |
IDataChannelTDataChannel |
Data channel interface.
| |
IDataStreamTDataChannel |
Data stream interface.
| |
IElement |
An element.
| |
IFileStream |
A file stream.
| |
IInputTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
An input.
| |
ILocalMediaTLocalMedia, TIAudioTrack, TIVideoTrack |
Local media interface.
| |
ILog |
ILog interface for loggers.
| |
IMediaTIAudioTrack, TIVideoTrack |
Media interface.
| |
IMediaElement |
A media element.
| |
IMediaInputTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media input.
| |
IMediaOutputTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
A media output.
| |
IMediaStream |
Media stream interface.
| |
IMediaTrack |
Media track interface.
| |
IOutputTIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat |
An output.
| |
IPlatform |
Platform-specific methods.
| |
IPromise |
Interface for a promise that can be rejected.
| |
IRemoteMediaTIAudioTrack, TIVideoTrack |
Remote media interface.
| |
IRtpHeaderExtension |
The interface that all rtp header extensions must implement.
| |
IStream |
Stream interface.
| |
ITimeoutTimer |
A thread-safe class for running timeouts on asynchronous methods.
| |
IVideoElement |
A video element.
| |
IVideoInput |
A video input.
| |
IVideoOutput |
A video output.
| |
IVideoStream |
Video stream interface.
| |
IVideoTrack |
Video track interface.
| |
IViewableMediaTView |
Viewable media interface.
| |
IViewSinkTView |
View sink interface.
| |
IViewSinkableMediaTView, TViewSink |
Viewable media interface with a view sink.
| |
IWebSocket |
Contract for an implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8.
Delegate | Description | |
Action0 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with no parameters.
| |
Action1T |
Generic method signature for callbacks with one parameter.
| |
Action10T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with ten parameters.
| |
Action2T1, T2 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with two parameters.
| |
Action3T1, T2, T3 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with three parameters.
| |
Action4T1, T2, T3, T4 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with four parameters.
| |
Action5T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with five parameters.
| |
Action6T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with six parameters.
| |
Action7T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with seven parameters.
| |
Action8T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with eight parameters.
| |
Action9T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 |
Generic method signature for callbacks with nice parameters.
| |
Function0R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with no parameters and a return value.
| |
Function1T, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with one parameter and a return value.
| |
Function10T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with ten parameters and a return value.
| |
Function2T1, T2, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with two parameters and a return value.
| |
Function3T1, T2, T3, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with three parameters and a return value.
| |
Function4T1, T2, T3, T4, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with four parameters and a return value.
| |
Function5T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with five parameters and a return value.
| |
Function6T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with six parameters and a return value.
| |
Function7T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with seven parameters and a return value.
| |
Function8T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with eight parameters and a return value.
| |
Function9T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, R |
Generic method signature for callbacks with nine parameters and a return value.
| |
NativeAllocCallbackDelegate |
An alloc callback delegate.
| |
NativeDebugLogCallbackDelegate |
A debug log callback delegate.
| |
NativeErrorLogCallbackDelegate |
An error log callback delegate.
| |
NativeReleaseCallbackDelegate |
A release callback delegate.
Enumeration | Description | |
AddressType |
Address types.
| |
Architecture |
A CPU architecture.
| |
AsymmetricKeyType |
Asymmetric key types.
| |
BandwidthAdaptationPolicy |
RTP packet header Extension support policies.
| |
BundlePolicy |
The local bundle negotiation policy. Denotes the policy this peer uses when negotiating resulting connection bundling policy.
| |
CandidatePairState |
The state of a candidate pair.
| |
CandidateType |
The type of a candidate.
| |
CodecType |
A value used to indicate whether this codec is used to encode or decode.
| |
CompareResult |
The compare result in a sort operation.
| |
ConnectionState |
The state of a connection.
| |
DataChannelState |
A data channel state.
| |
DtlsCipherSuite |
A cipher suite.
| |
DtlsProtocolVersion |
DTLS protocol versions.
| |
DtlsRole |
A DTLS role.
| |
EcdsaNamedCurve |
A named elliptic curve.
| |
EncryptionMode |
The encryption mode for the stream.
| |
EncryptionPolicy |
Indicates encryption policy for a connection.
| |
ErrorCode |
Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component.
| |
FileStreamAccess |
A file stream access type.
| |
FutureState |
The state of a future.
| |
HashType |
A hash algorithm.
| |
HttpMethod |
The method used by an HTTP request.
| |
IceConnectionState |
The state of an ICE gatherer.
| |
IceGatheringState |
The state of an ICE gatherer.
| |
IceGatherPolicy |
The local policy for gathering candidates.
| |
IcePolicy |
Policy indicating whether ICE connectivity checks are required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for a Connection)
| |
IceRole |
An ICE role.
| |
LayoutAlignment |
A layout alignment definition.
| |
LayoutDirection |
Specifies the direction of the layout flow.
| |
LayoutMode |
Specifies the layout mode that should be used.
| |
LayoutOrigin |
A layout origin definition.
| |
LayoutScale |
Specifies how an element should be scaled within a layout.
| |
LocalMediaState |
The state of local media.
| |
LogLevel |
The level at which to log.
| |
MacType |
A message authentication code (MAC) algorithm.
| |
MediaPipeState |
The state of a media pipe.
| |
MediaSinkState |
The state of a media sink.
| |
MediaSourceState |
The state of a media source.
| |
MultiplexPolicy |
The local policy for RTP/RTCP multiplex negotation.
| |
NackPolicy |
The local policy for the use of generic RTP Negative Acknowledgements (NACK).
| |
OperatingSystem |
An operating system.
| |
ProcessFramePolicy |
The policy on how a media input should process the frame.
| |
ProtocolType |
A protocol type.
| |
RedFecPolicy |
The local policy for the RED Forward Error Correction support.
| |
RembPolicy |
The local policy for the use of Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrates (goog-remb).
| |
SdesPolicy |
Indicates Sdes policy for stream.
| |
SessionDescriptionType |
A session description type.
| |
SignallingState |
The signalling state of a connection.
| |
SourceLanguage |
A source language.
| |
StreamDirection |
A stream direction.
| |
StreamState |
A stream state.
| |
StreamType |
A stream type.
| |
TrickleIcePolicy |
The local policy for TrickleIce support.
| |
TurnAuthOperation |
An authenticated TURN operation.
| |
WebSocketStatusCode |
An enumeration of potential WebSocket status codes.