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Encoder Class

A libvpx-based VP8 encoder.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FM.IceLink.Vp8
Assembly:  FM.IceLink.Vpx (in FM.IceLink.Vpx.dll) Version: (

The Encoder type exposes the following members.

Public methodEncoder
Initializes a new instance of the Encoder class.
Public methodEncoder(IVideoOutput)
Initializes a new instance of the Encoder class.
Protected propertyAllowDiagnosticTimer
Gets whether this media pipe is allowed to be timed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyBitrate
Gets or sets encoder bitrate. Getting this value retrieves the current bitrate, whereas setting it sets the target bitrate for the encoder.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public propertyCodec
Gets the current codec.
(Overrides EncoderCodec.)
Public propertyCodecConfig
Gets the encoder configuration.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public propertyDisabled
Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is disabled.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyDynamicProperties
Gets or sets the dynamic properties on this instance.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public propertyForceKeyFrame
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a keyframe should be forced.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public propertyFrameHeight
Gets the last frame height.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public propertyFrameRate
Gets the average frame rate for the lifespan of the encoder.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public propertyFramesEncoded
Gets the number of encoded frames.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public propertyFrameWidth
Gets the last frame width.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the identifier.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInput
Gets or sets the input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInputFormat
Gets the input format.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInputs
Gets or sets the inputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected propertyIsDirty
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is dirty.
(Inherited from Serializable.)
Public propertyLabel
Gets a label that identifies this class.
(Overrides MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatLabel.)
Public propertyMaxInputBitrate
Gets -1.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public propertyMaxOutputBitrate
Gets the maximum bitrate this encoder will produce, based on the encoder's target bitrate and the MaxInputBitrate of its' sinks.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public propertyMuted
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is muted.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutput
Gets or sets the output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutputFormat
Gets the output format.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutputs
Gets or sets the outputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPersistent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. If true, this instance will not be destroyed unless Destroy is called explicitly on this instance. It will survive destruction of any parent elements that are being destroyed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPipelineJson
Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected propertyPipelineJsonBase
Gets the pipeline JSON base.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPipelineJsonFromInput
Gets the pipeline JSON from an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPipelineJsonFromOutput
Gets the pipeline JSON from an output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected propertyPipelineJsonInputs
Gets the pipeline JSON inputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected propertyPipelineJsonOutputs
Gets the pipeline JSON outputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyProcessFramePolicy
Gets or sets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyQuality
Gets or sets the target output quality.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public propertyState
Gets the state.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets an optional tag to identify this instance.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodAddInput
Adds an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodAddInputs
Adds some inputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodAddOutput
Adds an output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodAddOutputs
Adds some outputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodCreateInputCollection
Creates an input collection.
(Inherited from VideoPipe.)
Protected methodCreateOutputCollection
Creates an output collection.
(Inherited from VideoPipe.)
Public methodDestroy
Destroys this instance.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodDoDestroy
Destroys this instance.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Protected methodDoProcessControlFrames
Processes the control frames.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Protected methodDoProcessFrame
Processes a frame.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Protected methodDoProcessSdpMediaDescription
Processes a SDP media description.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Protected methodDoProcessStatsFromInput
Processes stats from an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodDoProcessStatsFromOutput
Processes stats from an output.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDynamicValue
Gets a property value from the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public methodGetFirSequenceNumber
Gets the FIR sequence number.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasInput
Determines whether this pipe has the specified input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodHasOutput
Determines whether this pipe has the specified output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodIncrementFirSequenceNumber
Increments the FIR sequence number.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodIsKeyFrame
Determines whether the [buffer] contains a Key Frame.
(Overrides EncoderIsKeyFrame(DataBuffer).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodProcessControlFrames
Processes the control frames.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessFrame
Processes the frame.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public methodProcessGetMuteFromStream
Gets whether the stream is muted or not.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessSdpMediaDescriptionFromInput
Processes an SDP media description from an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessSdpMediaDescriptionFromOutput
Processes an SDP media description from an output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessSetMuteFromStream
Process a set mute call from a stream.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessStatsFromInput
Processes stats from an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodProcessStatsFromOutput
Processes stats from an output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodRaiseControlFrame
Raises a control frame.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodRaiseControlFrames
Raises some control frames.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodRaiseFrame
Raises the frame.
(Inherited from VideoEncoder.)
Public methodRemoveInput
Removes an input.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodRemoveInputs
Removes all inputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodRemoveInputs(TIOutput)
Removes some inputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodRemoveOutput
Removes an output.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodRemoveOutputs
Removes all outputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodRemoveOutputs(TIInput)
Removes some outputs.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodSetCodecConfig
Sets the encoder configuration.
(Inherited from Encoder.)
Public methodSetDynamicValue
Sets a property value in the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents this instance.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodUnsetDynamicValue
Unsets a property value in the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public eventOnDisabledChange
Raised when the Disabled property changes state.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessControlFrames
Raised when control frames are processed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessFrame
Raised when a frame is processed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessFrameException
Raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnRaiseControlFrames
Raised when control frames are raised.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnRaiseFrame
Raised when a frame is raised.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnStateChange
Raised when the state changes.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
See Also