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Encoder Events

The Encoder type exposes the following members.

Public eventOnDisabledChange
Raised when the Disabled property changes state.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessControlFrames
Raised when control frames are processed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessFrame
Raised when a frame is processed.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnProcessFrameException
Raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnRaiseControlFrames
Raised when control frames are raised.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnRaiseFrame
Raised when a frame is raised.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public eventOnStateChange
Raised when the state changes.
(Inherited from MediaPipeTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
See Also