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VideoFormat Class

A video format.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FM.IceLink
Assembly:  FM.IceLink (in FM.IceLink.dll) Version: (

The VideoFormat type exposes the following members.

Protected methodVideoFormat
Initializes a new instance of the VideoFormat class.
Public methodVideoFormat(String)
Initializes a new instance of the VideoFormat class.
Public methodVideoFormat(String, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the VideoFormat class.
Public propertyStatic memberAbgr
Gets an ABGR video format.
Public propertyStatic memberAbgrName
Gets the name of the ABGR video format ("ABGR"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 32 bits (8 bits for alpha, then 8 bits for blue, then8 bits for green, then 8 bits for red).
Public propertyStatic memberArgb
Gets an ARGB video format.
Public propertyStatic memberArgbName
Gets the name of the ARGB video format ("ARGB"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 32 bits (8 bits for alpha, then 8 bits for red, then 8 bits for green, then 8 bits for blue).
Public propertyStatic memberBgr
Gets a BGR video format.
Public propertyStatic memberBgra
Gets an BGRA video format.
Public propertyStatic memberBgraName
Gets the name of the BGRA video format ("BGRA"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 32 bits (8 bits for blue, then8 bits for green, then 8 bits for red, then 8 bits for alpha).
Public propertyStatic memberBgrName
Gets the name of the BGR video format ("BGR"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 24 bits (8 bits for blue, then8 bits for green, then 8 bits for red).
Public propertyClockRate
Gets or sets the clock rate.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyFourCC
Gets or sets the FourCC value for this format.
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name, including clock rate and encoding parameters.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyStatic memberH264
Gets an H.264 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberH264Name
Gets the name of the H.264 video format ("H264").
Public propertyStatic memberI420
Gets an I420 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberI420Name
Gets the name of the I420 video format ("I420"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 12 bits (8 bits for Y, 2 bits for U, and 2 bits for V). Y plane is followed by U plane and then V plane.
Public propertyIsAbgr
Gets a value indicating whether this format is ABGR.
Public propertyIsArgb
Gets a value indicating whether this format is ARGB.
Public propertyIsBgr
Gets a value indicating whether this format is BGR.
Public propertyIsBgra
Gets a value indicating whether this format is BGRA.
Public propertyIsEncrypted
Gets or sets a value indicating that the data is encrypted.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyIsH264
Gets a value indicating whether this format is H.264.
Public propertyIsI420
Gets a value indicating whether this format is I420.
Public propertyIsInjected
Gets or sets a value indicating that the data is injected into the primary media stream (e.g. DTMF).
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyIsNv12
Gets a value indicating whether this format is NV12.
Public propertyIsNv21
Gets a value indicating whether this format is NV21.
Public propertyIsPacketized
Gets or sets a value indicating that the data is packetized for network transmission.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyIsRaw
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB, BGR, I420, YV12, NV12, NV21, RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR.
Public propertyIsRgb
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB.
Public propertyIsRgba
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGBA.
Public propertyIsRgbaType
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR.
Public propertyIsRgbType
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB or BGR.
Public propertyIsVp8
Gets a value indicating whether this format is VP8.
Public propertyIsVp9
Gets a value indicating whether this format is VP9.
Public propertyIsYuvType
Gets a value indicating whether this format is I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21.
Public propertyIsYv12
Gets a value indicating whether this format is YV12.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyStatic memberNv12
Gets an NV12 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberNv12Name
Gets the name of the NV12 video format ("NV12"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 12 bits (8 bits for Y, 2 bits for U, and 2 bits for V). Y plane is followed by interleaved U/V plane.
Public propertyStatic memberNv21
Gets an NV21 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberNv21Name
Gets the name of the NV21 video format ("NV21"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 12 bits (8 bits for Y, 2 bits for U, and 2 bits for V). Y plane is followed by interleaved V/U plane.
Public propertyParameters
Gets the parameters.
(Overrides MediaFormatTFormatParameters.)
Public propertyStatic memberRgb
Gets an RGB video format.
Public propertyStatic memberRgba
Gets an RGBA video format.
Public propertyStatic memberRgbaName
Gets the name of the RGBA video format ("RGBA"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 32 bits (8 bits for red, then 8 bits for green, then 8 bits for blue, then 8 bits for alpha).
Public propertyStatic memberRgbName
Gets the name of the RGB video format ("RGB"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 24 bits (8 bits for red, then 8 bits for green, then 8 bits for blue).
Public propertyStaticPayloadType
Gets or sets the static payload type, if this format has a static payload type registered with IANA.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public propertyStatic memberVp8
Gets a VP8 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberVp8Name
Gets the name of the VP8 video format ("VP8").
Public propertyStatic memberVp9
Gets a VP9 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberVp9Name
Gets the name of the VP9 video format ("VP9").
Public propertyStatic memberYv12
Gets a YV12 video format.
Public propertyStatic memberYv12Name
Gets the name of the YV12 video format ("YV12"). Indicates that each pixel occupies 12 bits (8 bits for Y, 2 bits for U, and 2 bits for V). Y plane is followed by V plane and then U plane.
Public methodClone
Clones this instance.
(Overrides MediaFormatTFormatClone.)
Protected methodCreateInstance
Creates a new instance.
(Overrides MediaFormatTFormatCreateInstance.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFormatNameToFourCC
Converts a format name to its FourCC value.
Public methodFourCCToFormatName
Converts a FourCC value to its format name.
Public methodStatic memberFromJson
Deserializes an instance from JSON.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsEquivalent(TFormat)
Determines whether the specified format is equivalent.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Public methodIsEquivalent(TFormat, Boolean)
Determines whether the specified format is equivalent.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberToFourCC(String)
Converts a FourCC string to a int.
Public methodStatic memberToFourCC(Char, Char, Char, Char)
Converts 4 FourCC characters to an int.
Public methodToJson
Serializes this instance to JSON.
Public methodStatic memberToJson(VideoFormat)
Serializes an instance to JSON.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents this instance.
(Inherited from MediaFormatTFormat.)
See Also