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VideoTrack Class

A video track.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FM.IceLink
Assembly:  FM.IceLink (in FM.IceLink.dll) Version: (

The VideoTrack type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveSink
Gets the active sink. This will return Sink if Sink is not null and not disabled. Otherwise, if this track branches, it will iterate recursively over the active tracks until it finds an ActiveSink. Otherwise, it will return null.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyDisabled
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disabled.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyDynamicProperties
Gets or sets the dynamic properties on this instance.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public propertyElements
Gets the elements.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatElements.)
Public propertyFirstElement
Gets the first element.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the identifier.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInput
Gets the first input, if this track has inputs. Otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInputFormat
Gets the input format.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyInputs
Gets the track inputs.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyIsBranched
Gets a value indicating whether this track's last element is a branch.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected propertyIsDirty
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is dirty.
(Inherited from Serializable.)
Public propertyIsEmpty
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyIsTerminated
Gets a value indicating whether this track's last element is a sink.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyLabel
Gets a label that identifies this class.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatLabel.)
Public propertyLastElement
Gets the last element.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyMuted
Gets or sets a value indicating whether any of the elements in this track are muted. Setting a value will apply to all elements.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutput
Gets the first output, if this track has outputs. Otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutputFormat
Gets the output format.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyOutputs
Gets the track outputs.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPersistent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. If true, this instance will not be destroyed unless Destroy is called explicitly on this instance. It will survive destruction of any parent elements that are being destroyed.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertyPipelineJson
Gets the pipeline JSON using the first element as a starting point.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertySink
Gets the sink, if the last element is a sink. Otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertySinkOutput
Gets or sets the current sink output.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertySinks
Gets the sinks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertySize
Gets the size of this track.
Public propertySource
Gets the source, if the first element is a source. Otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public propertySourceInput
Gets or sets the current source input.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodAddElement
Adds an element.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatAddElement(TIElement).)
Protected methodArrayFromInputs
Creates an array of inputs from a list of inputs.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatArrayFromInputs(ListTIInput).)
Protected methodArrayFromOutputs
Creates an array of outputs from a list of outputs.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatArrayFromOutputs(ListTIOutput).)
Protected methodArrayFromSinks
Creates an array of sinks from a list of sinks.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatArrayFromSinks(ListTSink).)
Protected methodBranchFromTracks
Creates a branch from an array of tracks.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatBranchFromTracks(TTrack).)
Public methodChangeSinkOutput
Changes the sink output while the media track is active.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodChangeSourceInput
Changes the source input while the media track is active.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodDestroy
Destroys this media track.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindElement(Function1TIElement, Boolean)
Finds an element in the track. This method will recursively call into any branched tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodFindElement(Function1TIElement, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds an element in this track. If the recurse flag is set, then this method will recursively call into any branched tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodFindElements(Function1TIElement, Boolean)
Finds elements in the track. This method will recursively call into any branched tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodFindElements(Function1TIElement, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds elements in this track. If the recurse flag is set, then this method will recursively call into any branched tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodGetDynamicValue
Gets a property value from the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSinkOutputs
Gets the available sink outputs.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodGetSourceInputs
Gets the available source inputs.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGrabFrame
Grabs the next frame once it's rendered.
Protected methodIsBranch
Determines whether the specified element is a branch.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsBranch(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsInput
Determines whether the specified element is an input.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsInput(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsOutput
Determines whether the specified element is an output.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsOutput(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsPipe
Determines whether the specified element is a pipe.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsPipe(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsSink
Determines whether the specified element is a sink.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsSink(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsSource
Determines whether the specified element is a source.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsSource(TIElement).)
Protected methodIsStream
Determines whether the specified element is a stream.
(Overrides MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormatIsStream(TIElement).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodNext(TBranch)
Branches out to several tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodNext(TIInput)
Adds an element to this track.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodNext(TTrack)
Branches out to several tracks.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodRaiseOnStarted
Raises the OnStarted event.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Protected methodRaiseOnStopped
Raises the OnStopped event.
(Inherited from MediaTrackTIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat.)
Public methodSetDynamicValue
Sets a property value in the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnsetDynamicValue
Unsets a property value in the local cache.
(Inherited from Dynamic.)
See Also