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EncoderConfig Properties

The EncoderConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBitDepth
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_bit_depth".
Public propertyBufferInitialSize
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_initial_sz".
Public propertyBufferOptimalSize
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_optimal_sz".
Public propertyBufferSize
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_sz".
Public propertyCpu
Gets or sets a value used for "VP8E_SET_CPUUSED". Range is [-16, 16] for VP8 and [-8, 8] for VP9.
Public propertyDropFrameThreshold
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_dropframe_thresh".
Public propertyEndUsageMode
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_end_usage".
Public propertyErrorResilient
Gets or sets a value that maps to g_error_resilient
Public propertyInputBitDepth
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_input_bit_depth".
Public propertyKeyframeMaxDistance
Gets or sets a value that maps to "kf_max_dist".
Public propertyKeyframeMinDistance
Gets or sets a value that maps to "kf_min_dist".
Public propertyKeyframeMode
Gets or sets a value that makes to "kf_mode".
Public propertyLagInFrames
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_lag_in_frames".
Public propertyLayerTargetBitrate
Gets or sets a value that maps to "layer_trget_bitrater".
Public propertyMaxQuantizer
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_max_quantizer". If -1, then Quality field used.
Public propertyMinQuantizer
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_min_quantizer".
Public propertyOvershootPercentage
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_overshoot_pct".
Public propertyProfile
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_profile".
Public propertyResizeAllowed
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_allowed".
Public propertyResizeDownThreshold
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_down_thresh".
Public propertyResizeUpThreshold
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_up_thresh".
Public propertyScaledHeight
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_height".
Public propertyScaledWidth
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_width".
Public propertySpatialEnableAutoAltRef
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ss_enable_auto_alt_ref".
Public propertySpatialLayers
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ss_number_layers".
Public propertySpatialTargetBitrate
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ss_target_bitrate".
Public propertyTemporalLayerMode
Gets or sets a value that maps to "temporal_layering_mode".
Public propertyTemporalLayers
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ts_number_layers".
Public propertyTemporalPattern
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ts_layer_id".
Public propertyTemporalPeriodicity
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ts_periodicity".
Public propertyTemporalRateDecimator
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ts_rate_decimator".
Public propertyTemporalTargetBitrate
Gets or sets a value that maps to "ts_target_bitrate".
Public propertyThreads
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_threads".
Public propertyTimebaseDenominator
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.den".
Public propertyTimebaseNumerator
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.num".
Public propertyUndershootPercentage
Gets or sets a value that maps to "rc_undershoot_pct".
Public propertyUsage
Gets or sets a value that maps to "g_usage".
See Also