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FM.IceLink.Stun.Ice Namespace

Public classControlledAttribute
The ICE-CONTROLLED attribute is present in a Binding request and indicates that the client believes it is currently in the controlled role.
Public classControllingAttribute
The ICE-CONTROLLING attribute is present in a Binding request and indicates that the client believes it is currently in the controlling role.
Public classPriorityAttribute
The PRIORITY attribute indicates the priority that is to be associated with a peer reflexive candidate, should one be discovered by this check.
Public classRoleConflictError
487 Role Conflict. The Binding request contained either the ICE-CONTROLLING or ICE-CONTROLLED attribute, indicating a role that conflicted with the server. The server ran a tie-breaker based on the tie-breaker value in the request and determined that the client needs to switch roles.
Public classUseCandidateAttribute
The USE-CANDIDATE attribute indicates that the candidate pair resulting from this check should be used for transmission of media.