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MediaDescription Methods

The MediaDescription type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBandwidth
Adds a proposed bandwidth.
Public methodAddMediaAttribute
Adds a media-level attribute.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCandidateAttributes
Obtains Ice Candidate attributes associated with this media description.
Public methodGetCcmFirFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP "ccm fir" feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetFormatParametersAttribute
Gets the format parameters attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIceOptionAttributes
Obtains Ice Options attributes associated with this media description.
Public methodGetMaxPacketTimeAttribute
Obtains the maximum packet time attribute.
Public methodGetNackFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP "nack" feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetNackPliFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP "nack pli" feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetNackRpsiFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP "nack rpsi" feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetNackSliFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP "nack sli" feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetPacketTimeAttribute
Obtains the packet time attribute.
Public methodGetRtcpFeedbackAttribute
Gets the RTCP feedback attribute for the given payload type.
Public methodGetRtpExtMapAttributes
Obtains the RTP ext-map attributes.
Public methodGetRtpMapAttribute(String, Int32, String)
Obtains the RTP map attribute for a given format.
Public methodGetRtpMapAttribute(String, Int32, String, Int32)
Obtains the RTP map attribute for a given format.
Public methodGetRtpMapAttributes
Obtains the RTP map attributes.
Public methodGetRtpMapAttributes(String, Int32, String)
Obtains the RTP map attributes for a given format.
Public methodGetRtpMapAttributes(String, Int32, String, Int32)
Obtains the RTP map attributes for a given format.
Public methodGetSsrcAttribute
Obtains the SSRC attribute matching a given synchronization source, name, and value.
Public methodGetSsrcAttributes
Obtains the SSRC attributes.
Public methodGetSsrcAttributes(Int64)
Obtains the SSRC attributes matching a given synchronization source.
Public methodGetSsrcAttributes(Int64, String)
Obtains the SSRC attributes matching a given synchronization source and name.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInsertCcmFirAttribute
Inserts a CCM-FIR attribute for the given format if it doesn't already exist.
Public methodInsertMediaAttribute
DEPRECATED: Use AddMediaAttribute instead. Inserts a media-level attribute at the given index.
Public methodInsertNackPliAttribute
Inserts a NACK-PLI attribute for the given format if it doesn't already exist.
Public methodInsertRembAttribute
Inserts a REMB attribute for the given format if it doesn't already exist.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberParse
Creates an MediaDescription instance from a string.
Public methodRemoveBandwidth
Removes a proposed bandwidth.
Public methodRemoveMediaAttribute
Removes a media-level attribute.
Public methodSupportsIce
Gets a value indicating whether this SDP MediaDescription suggests support for ICE.
Public methodToString
Converts this instance to a string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodUpdateQualityAttributeValue
Updates SDP Quality Attribute associated with this media description if one is present. Otherwise, creates a new one and inserts it into this media description.
See Also