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Nalu Class

An H264 Network Abstraction Layer Unit.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FM.IceLink.H264
Assembly:  FM.IceLink (in FM.IceLink.dll) Version: (

The Nalu type exposes the following members.

Public methodNalu
Creates an empty NAL Unit.
Public methodNalu(DataBuffer)
Creates a NAL Unit from a byte array.
Protected propertyBottomFieldFlag
Gets the bottom_field_flag.
Public propertyBuffer
Gets the backing DataBuffer.
Protected propertyDeltaPicOrderCnt
Gets the pic_order_cnt_lsb
Public propertyFBit
Gets the forbidden Zero Bit. The H.264 specification declares a value of 1 as a syntax violation.
Public propertyStatic memberFBitMask
Gets the forbidden zero bit mask.
Protected propertyFieldPicFlag
Gets the field_pic_flag.
Protected propertyFirstMbInSlice
Gets the first_mb_in_slice specifies the address of the first macroblock in the slice. When arbitrary slice order is not allowed as specified in Annex A, the value of first_mb_in_slice is constrained as follows: – If separate_colour_plane_flag is equal to 0, the value of first_mb_in_slice shall not be less than the value of first_mb_in_slice for any other slice of the current picture that precedes the current slice in decoding order. – Otherwise (separate_colour_plane_flag is equal to 1), the value of first_mb_in_slice shall not be less than the value of first_mb_in_slice for any other slice of the current picture that precedes the current slice in decoding order and has the same value of colour_plane_id.
Protected propertyFrameNum
Gets the frame_num: The Frame Number is used as an identifier for pictures and shall be represented by log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4 bits in the bitstream.
Public propertyHeader
Gets the NAL header.
Protected propertyIdrPicFlag
Gets the idr_pic_flag.
Protected propertyIdrPicId
Gets the idr_pic_id: The values of idr_pic_id in all the slices of an IDR picture shall remain unchanged. When two consecutive access units in decoding order are both IDR access units, the value of idr_pic_id in the slices of the first such IDR access unit shall differ from the idr_pic_id in the second such IDR access unit. The value of idr_pic_id shall be in the range of 0 to 65535, inclusive.
Public propertyNalRefIdc
Gets the NRI: 2bits otherwise known as nal_ref_idc.
Public propertyStatic memberNriMask
Gets the nal_ref_idc mask.
Public propertyPayload
Gets or sets the NAL payload.
Protected propertyPicOrderCntLsb
Gets the pic_order_cnt_lsb.
Protected propertyPicOrderCntType
Gets the pic_order_cnt_type.
Protected propertyPpsId
Gets the Picture Parameter Set specifies the picture parameter set in use. The value of pic_parameter_set_id shall be in the range of 0 to 255, inclusive.
Public propertyShortLength
Gets the size of the NAL Unit (including NAL header) in two octets stored in the returned byte array. Useful for creating certain types of H264 such as STAP.
Protected propertySliceType
Gets the type of Slice contained in this NAL.
Protected propertySpsId
Gets the Sequence Parameter Set this NAL references.
Public propertyStatic memberStartCode
Gets the 4-byte NALU start code.
Public propertyType
Gets the NAL Unit Type.
Public propertyStatic memberTypeMask
Gets the NAL Unit Type mask.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFindNalu
Scans for the index of the first NAL Unit after start.
Public methodStatic memberFindNextNalu
Scans for the index of the first NAL Unit after start.
Public methodGetBytes
Gets the NAL Unit as a byte array that can be passed to an encoder (includes Start Code).
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNalu(DataBuffer)
Returns the first NAL unit after nalStart.
Public methodStatic memberGetNalu(DataBuffer, Int32)
Returns the first NAL unit after nalStart.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also