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TlsCertificate Methods

The TlsCertificate type exposes the following members.

Public methodCalculateFingerprint
Calculates a fingerprint for this certificate.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Public methodClone
Clones this instance.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Protected methodCreateCertificate
Creates the certificate.
(Overrides CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprintCreateCertificate.)
Protected methodCreateFingerprint
Creates a fingerprint.
(Overrides CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprintCreateFingerprint(String, String).)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFromX509Certificate2
Converts an X509Certificate2 into a TlsCertificate.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate
Generates a certificate with a default issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(AsymmetricKey)
Generates a certificate with a default issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(AsymmetricKeyType)
Generates a certificate with a default issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, AsymmetricKey)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, AsymmetricKeyType)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer/subject name and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String, AsymmetricKey)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String, AsymmetricKeyType)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String, DateTime)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, and expiration date.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String, DateTime, AsymmetricKey)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, expiration date, and asymmetric key.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificate(String, String, DateTime, AsymmetricKeyType)
Generates a certificate with the given issuer name, subject name, expiration date, and asymmetric key.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificateFromOldCertificate(TlsCertificate)
Generates a certificate using the issuer/subject name from an old certificate and an expiration date of 10 days from now.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateCertificateFromOldCertificate(TlsCertificate, DateTime)
Generates a certificate using the issuer/subject name from an old certificate and the given expiration date.
Public methodGetBuffer
Serializes this certificate to binary.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Public methodGetBytes
Serializes this certificate to binary.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberParseBytes
Deserializes a certificate from binary.
Public methodRegenerate
Regenerates the certificate's cryptography data using an expiration date of 10 days from now.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Public methodRegenerate(DateTime)
Regenerates the certificate's cryptography data using the given expiration date.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToX509Certificate2
Converts this instance into an X509Certificate2.
(Inherited from CertificateTCertificate, TFingerprint.)
See Also