FMWebSyncClient Class Reference

Inherits from FMWebSyncBaseClient : FMDynamic : FMSerializable : NSObject
Declared in FMWebSync.h


The WebSync client, used for subscribing to channels and receiving data, as well as publishing data to specific channels. The WebSync client has 9 primary operations: Connect/Disconnect: Sets up/takes down a streaming connection to the server. Bind/Unbind: Attaches/detaches records to the client (e.g. display name, user ID). Subscribe/Unsubscribe: Opts in/out of receiving data published to a channel. Publish: Broadcasts data to any clients subscribed to the channel. Notify: Pushes data directly to a specific client (no subscription necessary). Service: Sends data to the server for traditional request/response processing. Each method (and the constructor) take a single “args” object. This object defines callback functions, configuration settings, and error handling information. It allows the client to default to sensible values while allowing easy overrides. The WebSync client is designed to be as robust and fault-tolerant as possible. If there are any failures in the streaming connection, the client will automatically reconnect and set up a new one. Maintaining a streaming connection lies at the heart of WebSync, and so special care is given to ensure that a streaming connection remains active, even in the presence of total network failure. Since WebSync clients often subscribe to channels to receive partial updates, it is highly recommended to do initial state load in the OnSuccess callback of the call to Subscribe. This way, (a) there are no missed partial updates between the state load and the subscription, and (b) in the event of connection failure and automatic reconnection/resubscription, the state will be automatically refreshed. When a connection is lost, .OnStreamFailure will be called. This is an excellent time to update the UI to let your user know that the connection is temporarily offline and a new one is being established. The client will automatically re-attempt a connect. Shortly afterwards, either .OnSuccess or

Other Methods

– addOnBindCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnBindComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnBindCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnBindCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnBindEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnBindFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


– addOnBindFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


– addOnBindFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


– addOnBindFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


+ addOnBindRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnBindResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnBindResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientBindResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnBindSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– addOnBindSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– addOnBindSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– addOnBindSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnBindSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncBindSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– addOnConnectCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnConnectComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnConnectCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnConnectCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnConnectFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


– addOnConnectFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


– addOnConnectFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


– addOnConnectFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnConnectResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnConnectResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientConnectResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnConnectSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– addOnConnectSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– addOnConnectSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– addOnConnectSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (FMCallback *)addOnConnectSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncConnectSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– addOnDisconnectCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


– addOnDisconnectComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


– addOnDisconnectCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncDisconnectCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


– addOnDisconnectCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncDisconnectCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnDisconnectResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnDisconnectResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientDisconnectResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnNotifyResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientNotifyResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnNotifySuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifySuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– addOnNotifySuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifySuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– addOnNotifySuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifySuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifySuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– addOnNotifySuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifySuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifySuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– addOnNotify:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotify:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyReceiveArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– addOnNotifyBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (FMCallback *)addOnNotifyBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncNotifyReceiveArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– addOnPublishCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnPublishComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnPublishCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnPublishCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnPublishFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


– addOnPublishFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


– addOnPublishFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


– addOnPublishFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnPublishResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnPublishResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientPublishResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnPublishSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– addOnPublishSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– addOnPublishSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– addOnPublishSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnPublishSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncPublishSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– addOnServerBindWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerBindWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerBind:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerBind:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerBindWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerBindWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerBindArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerBindBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerBindBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerBindArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerSubscribeWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerSubscribeWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerSubscribe:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerSubscribe:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerSubscribeWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerSubscribeWithValueBlock:(FMCallback *( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerSubscribeArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerSubscribeBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerSubscribeBlock:(FMCallback *( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerSubscribeArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnbindWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnbindWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnbind:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnbind:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnbindWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnbindWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerUnbindArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnbindBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnbindBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerUnbindArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnsubscribeWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnsubscribeWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnsubscribe:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnsubscribe:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnsubscribeWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnsubscribeWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerUnsubscribeArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServerUnsubscribeBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServerUnsubscribeBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServerUnsubscribeArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– addOnServiceCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnServiceComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnServiceCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnServiceCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnServiceFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


– addOnServiceFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


– addOnServiceFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


– addOnServiceFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnServiceResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnServiceResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientServiceResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnServiceSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– addOnServiceSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– addOnServiceSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– addOnServiceSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (FMCallback *)addOnServiceSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncServiceSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– addOnStateRestoredWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStateRestoredWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– addOnStateRestored:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStateRestored:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– addOnStateRestoredWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStateRestoredWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncStateRestoredArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– addOnStateRestoredBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStateRestoredBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncStateRestoredArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– addOnStreamFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStreamFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– addOnStreamFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStreamFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– addOnStreamFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStreamFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncStreamFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– addOnStreamFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (FMCallback *)addOnStreamFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncStreamFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnSubscribeResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientSubscribeResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– addOnSubscribeSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnSubscribeSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnbindResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnbindResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– addOnUnbindSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnbindSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnbindSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeComplete:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeCompleteBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeCompleteBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeCompleteArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeEndWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeEnd:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeEndWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeEndWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeEndBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeEndBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeEndArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeFailure:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeFailureBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeFailureBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeFailureArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeRequest:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeRequestBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeRequestBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeRequestArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeResponse:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ addOnUnsubscribeResponseBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeResponseBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncClient *, FMWebSyncClientUnsubscribeResponseArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeSuccess:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– addOnUnsubscribeSuccessBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnsubscribeSuccessBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnsubscribeSuccessArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– bindWithBindArgs:

Binds the client to a public or private data record so it is visible to other clients or just to the server. When the bind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the bound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)bindWithBindArgs:(FMWebSyncBindArgs *)bindArgs



bind arguments. See for details. The client.


Binds the client to a public or private data record so it is visible to other clients or just to the server. When the bind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the bound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– bindWithArgs:

Binds the client to a public or private data record so it is visible to other clients or just to the server. When the bind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the bound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)bindWithArgs:(FMWebSyncBindArgs *)bindArgs



bind arguments. See for details. The client.


Binds the client to a public or private data record so it is visible to other clients or just to the server. When the bind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the bound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– clientId

Gets the server-generated WebSync client ID. This value is only set if the client is connected, so reference it only after successfully connecting the client.

- (FMGuid *)clientId


Gets the server-generated WebSync client ID. This value is only set if the client is connected, so reference it only after successfully connecting the client.

Declared In


+ clientWithRequestUrl:

Initializes a new instance of the class.

+ (FMWebSyncClient *)clientWithRequestUrl:(NSString *)requestUrl



absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


+ clientWithRequestUrl:streamRequestUrl:

Initializes a new instance of the class.

+ (FMWebSyncClient *)clientWithRequestUrl:(NSString *)requestUrl streamRequestUrl:(NSString *)streamRequestUrl



absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler for streaming requests.


absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler for non-streaming requests.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


– connect

Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server using default values. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully. The client.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)connect


Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server using default values. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully. The client.

Declared In


– connectWithConnectArgs:

Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)connectWithConnectArgs:(FMWebSyncConnectArgs *)connectArgs



connect arguments. See for details. The client.


Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully.

Declared In


– connectWithArgs:

Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)connectWithArgs:(FMWebSyncConnectArgs *)connectArgs



connect arguments. See for details. The client.


Sets up and maintains a streaming connection to the server. While this method will typically run asychronously, the WebSync client is designed to be used without (much) consideration for its asynchronous nature. To that end, any calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed once this method has completed successfully.

Declared In


– disableWebSockets

Gets whether to disable WebSocket protocol support and use long-polling, even if the server is capable of accepting WebSocket requests.

- (bool)disableWebSockets


Gets whether to disable WebSocket protocol support and use long-polling, even if the server is capable of accepting WebSocket requests.

Declared In


– disconnect

Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes the client using default values. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects. The client.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)disconnect


Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes the client using default values. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects. The client.

Declared In


– disconnectWithDisconnectArgs:

Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes/unbinds the client. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)disconnectWithDisconnectArgs:(FMWebSyncDisconnectArgs *)disconnectArgs



disconnect arguments. See for details. The client.


Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes/unbinds the client. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects.

Declared In


– disconnectWithArgs:

Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes/unbinds the client. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)disconnectWithArgs:(FMWebSyncDisconnectArgs *)disconnectArgs



disconnect arguments. See for details. The client.


Takes down a streaming connection to the server and unsubscribes/unbinds the client. After the disconnect completes successfully, any further calls to methods that require an active connection, like bind, subscribe, and publish, will be queued automatically and executed only if/when the client reconnects.

Declared In


– endBatch

Flags the end of a batch of requests and starts sending them to the server. This is used in conjunction with , which must be called first to flag the start of a batch of requests to be sent together to the server. Batching is used to optimize round-trips to the server by reducing the overhead associated with creating multiple HTTP requests. The client.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)endBatch


Flags the end of a batch of requests and starts sending them to the server. This is used in conjunction with , which must be called first to flag the start of a batch of requests to be sent together to the server. Batching is used to optimize round-trips to the server by reducing the overhead associated with creating multiple HTTP requests. The client.

Declared In


+ generateToken

Generates a new token based on the current date/time. The generated token.

+ (NSString *)generateToken


Generates a new token based on the current date/time. The generated token.

Declared In


– getBoundRecords

Gets a collection of all the records to which the client is currently bound. A collection of all the records to which the client is currently bound

- (NSMutableDictionary *)getBoundRecords


Gets a collection of all the records to which the client is currently bound. A collection of all the records to which the client is currently bound

Declared In


– getCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:

Gets the callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel.

- (FMCallback *)getCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:(NSString *)channel



channel over which the messages are being received. The callback invoked when a message is received, if a callback is set; otherwise null.


Gets the callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel.

Declared In


– getCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:tag:

Gets the callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag denotes a specific callback.

- (FMCallback *)getCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:(NSString *)channel tag:(NSString *)tag



channel over which the messages are being received.


identifier for the callback. The callback invoked when a message is received, if a callback is set; otherwise null.


Gets the callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag denotes a specific callback.

Declared In


– getSubscribedChannels

Gets a list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed. A list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed

- (NSMutableArray *)getSubscribedChannels


Gets a list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed. A list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed

Declared In


– getSubscribedChannelsWithTag:

Gets a list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed.

- (NSMutableArray *)getSubscribedChannelsWithTag:(NSString *)tag



subscription tag identifier. A list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed


Gets a list of all the channels to which the client is currently subscribed.

Declared In


– inBatch

Gets whether or not requests are currently being batched. true if requests are being batched; otherwise false.

- (bool)inBatch


Gets whether or not requests are currently being batched. true if requests are being batched; otherwise false.

Declared In


– initWithRequestUrl:

Initializes a new instance of the class.

- (id)initWithRequestUrl:(NSString *)requestUrl



absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


– initWithRequestUrl:streamRequestUrl:

Initializes a new instance of the class.

- (id)initWithRequestUrl:(NSString *)requestUrl streamRequestUrl:(NSString *)streamRequestUrl



absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler for streaming requests.


absolute URL of the WebSync server request handler for non-streaming requests.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


– instanceId

Gets a locally-generated instance ID. This value is set immediately upon construction, is local-only, and does not change for the duration of this client instance, unless overriden by application code.

- (FMGuid *)instanceId


Gets a locally-generated instance ID. This value is set immediately upon construction, is local-only, and does not change for the duration of this client instance, unless overriden by application code.

Declared In


– isConnected

Gets whether the client is currently connected.

- (bool)isConnected


Gets whether the client is currently connected.

Declared In


– isConnecting

Gets whether the client is currently connecting.

- (bool)isConnecting


Gets whether the client is currently connecting.

Declared In


– isDisconnecting

Gets whether the client is currently disconnecting.

- (bool)isDisconnecting


Gets whether the client is currently disconnecting.

Declared In


– notifyWithNotifyArgs:

Sends data to a specified client ID. When the notify completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)notifyWithNotifyArgs:(FMWebSyncNotifyArgs *)notifyArgs



notify arguments. See for more details. The client.


Sends data to a specified client ID. When the notify completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– notifyWithArgs:

Sends data to a specified client ID. When the notify completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)notifyWithArgs:(FMWebSyncNotifyArgs *)notifyArgs



notify arguments. See for more details. The client.


Sends data to a specified client ID. When the notify completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– publishWithPublishArgs:

Sends data to a specified channel. When the publish completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)publishWithPublishArgs:(FMWebSyncPublishArgs *)publishArgs



publish arguments. See for more details. The client.


Sends data to a specified channel. When the publish completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– publishWithArgs:

Sends data to a specified channel. When the publish completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)publishWithArgs:(FMWebSyncPublishArgs *)publishArgs



publish arguments. See for more details. The client.


Sends data to a specified channel. When the publish completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and published data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– removeOnBindCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnBindCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnBindComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnBindComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a bind, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a bind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnBindFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (void)removeOnBindFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


– removeOnBindFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

- (void)removeOnBindFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to bind.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a bind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnBindResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnBindResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a bind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnBindSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (void)removeOnBindSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– removeOnBindSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

- (void)removeOnBindSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully binds.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnConnectCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnConnectComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a connect, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a connect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (void)removeOnConnectFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

- (void)removeOnConnectFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to connect.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a connect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnConnectResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnConnectResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a connect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (void)removeOnConnectSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– removeOnConnectSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

- (void)removeOnConnectSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully connects.

Declared In


– removeOnDisconnectCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (void)removeOnDisconnectCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


– removeOnDisconnectComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

- (void)removeOnDisconnectComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a disconnect.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a disconnect request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnDisconnectResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnDisconnectResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a disconnect response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifyCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnNotifyCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifyComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnNotifyComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a notify, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a notify ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifyFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (void)removeOnNotifyFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifyFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

- (void)removeOnNotifyFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to notify.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a notify request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnNotifyResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnNotifyResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a notify response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifySuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (void)removeOnNotifySuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifySuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

- (void)removeOnNotifySuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully notifies.

Declared In


– removeOnNotifyWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (void)removeOnNotifyWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– removeOnNotify:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

- (void)removeOnNotify:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a notification is sent to this client.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnPublishCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnPublishComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a publish, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a publish ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (void)removeOnPublishFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

- (void)removeOnPublishFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to publish.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a publish request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnPublishResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnPublishResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a publish response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (void)removeOnPublishSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– removeOnPublishSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

- (void)removeOnPublishSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully publishes.

Declared In


– removeOnServerBindWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (void)removeOnServerBindWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– removeOnServerBind:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

- (void)removeOnServerBind:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server binds the client to a record or set of records.

Declared In


– removeOnServerSubscribeWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (void)removeOnServerSubscribeWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– removeOnServerSubscribe:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

- (void)removeOnServerSubscribe:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server subscribes the client to a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– removeOnServerUnbindWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (void)removeOnServerUnbindWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– removeOnServerUnbind:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

- (void)removeOnServerUnbind:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unbinds the client from a record or set of records.

Declared In


– removeOnServerUnsubscribeWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (void)removeOnServerUnsubscribeWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– removeOnServerUnsubscribe:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

- (void)removeOnServerUnsubscribe:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the server unsubscribes the client from a channel or set of channels.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnServiceCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnServiceComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a service, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a service ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (void)removeOnServiceFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

- (void)removeOnServiceFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to service.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a service request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnServiceResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnServiceResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a service response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (void)removeOnServiceSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– removeOnServiceSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

- (void)removeOnServiceSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully services.

Declared In


– removeOnStateRestoredWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (void)removeOnStateRestoredWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– removeOnStateRestored:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

- (void)removeOnStateRestored:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s state is restored after a reconnection.

Declared In


– removeOnStreamFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (void)removeOnStreamFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– removeOnStreamFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

- (void)removeOnStreamFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever the client’s streaming connection breaks down.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes a subscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to subscribe.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a subscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnSubscribeResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnSubscribeResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a subscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– removeOnSubscribeSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

- (void)removeOnSubscribeSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully subscribes.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnUnbindCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnUnbindComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unbind, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (void)removeOnUnbindFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

- (void)removeOnUnbindFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unbind.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a unbind request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnbindResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnbindResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unbind response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (void)removeOnUnbindSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– removeOnUnbindSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

- (void)removeOnUnbindSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unbinds.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeCompleteWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeComplete:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeComplete:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client completes an unsubscribe, successfully or not.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeEndWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeEndWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeEnd:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeEnd:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe ends. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to the client after processing. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeFailureWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeFailure:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeFailure:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client fails to unsubscribe.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeRequestWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeRequest:

Removes a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeRequest:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised before a unsubscribe request begins. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a request before it is sent to the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeResponseWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


+ removeOnUnsubscribeResponse:

Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

+ (void)removeOnUnsubscribeResponse:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised after a unsubscribe response returns. This event is designed to support extensions by allowing modifications to be applied to a response after it is received from the server. The client that fired the event The associated with the event.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeSuccessWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– removeOnUnsubscribeSuccess:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

- (void)removeOnUnsubscribeSuccess:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a client successfully unsubscribes.

Declared In


– serverTimeout

Gets the number of milliseconds before the server takes action to discover if this client is idling or still active.

- (int)serverTimeout


Gets the number of milliseconds before the server takes action to discover if this client is idling or still active.

Declared In


– serviceWithServiceArgs:

Services data to a specified channel. Servicing allows the client to send data to the server in a traditional request/response fashion. Data is not broadcast and the state of the client remains unchanged after service calls. When the service completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and serviced data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)serviceWithServiceArgs:(FMWebSyncServiceArgs *)serviceArgs



service arguments. See for more details. The client.


Services data to a specified channel. Servicing allows the client to send data to the server in a traditional request/response fashion. Data is not broadcast and the state of the client remains unchanged after service calls. When the service completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and serviced data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– serviceWithArgs:

Services data to a specified channel. Servicing allows the client to send data to the server in a traditional request/response fashion. Data is not broadcast and the state of the client remains unchanged after service calls. When the service completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and serviced data, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)serviceWithArgs:(FMWebSyncServiceArgs *)serviceArgs



service arguments. See for more details. The client.


Services data to a specified channel. Servicing allows the client to send data to the server in a traditional request/response fashion. Data is not broadcast and the state of the client remains unchanged after service calls. When the service completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the channel and serviced data, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– sessionId

Gets the server-generated WebSync session ID. This value is only set if the client is connected.

- (FMGuid *)sessionId


Gets the server-generated WebSync session ID. This value is only set if the client is connected.

Declared In


– setCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:onReceive:

Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (void)setCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:(NSString *)channel onReceive:(FMCallback *)onReceive



channel over which the messages will be received.


callback to invoke when a message is received.


Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– setCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:onReceiveBlock:

Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (void)setCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:(NSString *)channel onReceiveBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeReceiveArgs *))onReceiveBlock



channel over which the messages will be received.


callback to invoke when a message is received.


Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– setCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:tag:onReceive:

Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag allows multiple callbacks to be registered for the same channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (void)setCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:(NSString *)channel tag:(NSString *)tag onReceive:(FMCallback *)onReceive



channel over which the messages will be received.


callback to invoke when a message is received.


identifier for this callback.


Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag allows multiple callbacks to be registered for the same channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– setCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:tag:onReceiveBlock:

Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag allows multiple callbacks to be registered for the same channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (void)setCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:(NSString *)channel tag:(NSString *)tag onReceiveBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncSubscribeReceiveArgs *))onReceiveBlock



channel over which the messages will be received.


callback to invoke when a message is received.


identifier for this callback.


Sets a callback to be invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag allows multiple callbacks to be registered for the same channel. This method does not subscribe you to a channel. Rather, it caches a callback to be executed when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– setDisableWebSockets:

Sets whether to disable WebSocket protocol support and use long-polling, even if the server is capable of accepting WebSocket requests.

- (void)setDisableWebSockets:(bool)value


Sets whether to disable WebSocket protocol support and use long-polling, even if the server is capable of accepting WebSocket requests.

Declared In


– setInstanceId:

Sets a locally-generated instance ID. This value is set immediately upon construction, is local-only, and does not change for the duration of this client instance, unless overriden by application code.

- (void)setInstanceId:(FMGuid *)value


Sets a locally-generated instance ID. This value is set immediately upon construction, is local-only, and does not change for the duration of this client instance, unless overriden by application code.

Declared In


– setStreamRequestUrl:

Sets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler for streaming connections, typically ending with websync.ashx.

- (void)setStreamRequestUrl:(NSString *)value


Sets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler for streaming connections, typically ending with websync.ashx.

Declared In


– setSynchronous:

Sets whether or not to execute client methods synchronously. This approach is not recommended for UI threads, as it will block until the request completes. Defaults to false.

- (void)setSynchronous:(FMNullableBool *)value


Sets whether or not to execute client methods synchronously. This approach is not recommended for UI threads, as it will block until the request completes. Defaults to false.

Declared In


– setToken:

Sets the token sent with each request for load balancing purposes.

- (void)setToken:(NSString *)value


Sets the token sent with each request for load balancing purposes.

Declared In


– startBatch

Flags the start of a batch of requests to be sent together to the server. This is used in conjunction with , which flags the end of a batch of requests and starts sending them to the server. Batching is used to optimize round-trips to the server by reducing the overhead associated with creating multiple HTTP requests. The client.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)startBatch


Flags the start of a batch of requests to be sent together to the server. This is used in conjunction with , which flags the end of a batch of requests and starts sending them to the server. Batching is used to optimize round-trips to the server by reducing the overhead associated with creating multiple HTTP requests. The client.

Declared In


– streamRequestTimeout

Gets the number of milliseconds to wait for a stream request to return a response before it is aborted and another stream request is attempted.

- (int)streamRequestTimeout


Gets the number of milliseconds to wait for a stream request to return a response before it is aborted and another stream request is attempted.

Declared In


– streamRequestUrl

Gets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler for streaming connections, typically ending with websync.ashx.

- (NSString *)streamRequestUrl


Gets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler for streaming connections, typically ending with websync.ashx.

Declared In


– subscribeWithSubscribeArgs:

Subscribes the client to receive messages on one or more channels. When the subscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the subscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)subscribeWithSubscribeArgs:(FMWebSyncSubscribeArgs *)subscribeArgs



subscribe arguments. See for details. The client.


Subscribes the client to receive messages on one or more channels. When the subscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the subscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– subscribeWithArgs:

Subscribes the client to receive messages on one or more channels. When the subscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the subscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)subscribeWithArgs:(FMWebSyncSubscribeArgs *)subscribeArgs



subscribe arguments. See for details. The client.


Subscribes the client to receive messages on one or more channels. When the subscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the subscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– synchronous

Gets whether or not to execute client methods synchronously. This approach is not recommended for UI threads, as it will block until the request completes. Defaults to false.

- (FMNullableBool *)synchronous


Gets whether or not to execute client methods synchronously. This approach is not recommended for UI threads, as it will block until the request completes. Defaults to false.

Declared In


– token

Gets the token sent with each request for load balancing purposes.

- (NSString *)token


Gets the token sent with each request for load balancing purposes.

Declared In


– unbindWithUnbindArgs:

Unbinds the client from a public or private data record so it is no longer visible by other clients or the server. When the unbind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unbound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)unbindWithUnbindArgs:(FMWebSyncUnbindArgs *)unbindArgs



unbind arguments. See for details. The client.


Unbinds the client from a public or private data record so it is no longer visible by other clients or the server. When the unbind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unbound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– unbindWithArgs:

Unbinds the client from a public or private data record so it is no longer visible by other clients or the server. When the unbind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unbound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)unbindWithArgs:(FMWebSyncUnbindArgs *)unbindArgs



unbind arguments. See for details. The client.


Unbinds the client from a public or private data record so it is no longer visible by other clients or the server. When the unbind completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unbound record(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– unsetCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:

Unsets a callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not unsubscribe you from a channel. Rather, it stop the callback from executing when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (bool)unsetCustomOnReceiveWithChannel:(NSString *)channel



channel over which the messages are being received. true if the callback was previously set; otherwise, false.


Unsets a callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. This method does not unsubscribe you from a channel. Rather, it stop the callback from executing when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– unsetCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:tag:

Unsets a callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag denotes a specific callback. This method does not unsubscribe you from a channel. Rather, it stop the callback from executing when messages are received on a particular channel.

- (bool)unsetCustomOnReceiveWithTagWithChannel:(NSString *)channel tag:(NSString *)tag



channel over which the messages are being received.


identifier for this callback. true if the callback was previously set; otherwise, false.


Unsets a callback invoked whenever messages are received on the specified channel. The tag denotes a specific callback. This method does not unsubscribe you from a channel. Rather, it stop the callback from executing when messages are received on a particular channel.

Declared In


– unsubscribeWithUnsubscribeArgs:

Unsubscribes the client from receiving messages on one or more channels. When the unsubscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unsubscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)unsubscribeWithUnsubscribeArgs:(FMWebSyncUnsubscribeArgs *)unsubscribeArgs



unsubscribe arguments. See for details. The client.


Unsubscribes the client from receiving messages on one or more channels. When the unsubscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unsubscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– unsubscribeWithArgs:

Unsubscribes the client from receiving messages on one or more channels. When the unsubscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unsubscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)unsubscribeWithArgs:(FMWebSyncUnsubscribeArgs *)unsubscribeArgs



unsubscribe arguments. See for details. The client.


Unsubscribes the client from receiving messages on one or more channels. When the unsubscribe completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the unsubscribed channel(s), including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


FMIceLinkWebSync4Extensions Methods

– joinConferenceWithArgs:

Joins an IceLink conference.
- (FMWebSyncClient *)joinConferenceWithArgs:(FMIceLinkWebSync4JoinConferenceArgs *)args



The arguments.

Return Value

The WebSync client.


Joins an IceLink conference.

Declared In


+ joinConferenceWithClient:args:

Joins an IceLink conference.
+ (FMWebSyncClient *)joinConferenceWithClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client args:(FMIceLinkWebSync4JoinConferenceArgs *)args



The WebSync client.


The arguments.

Return Value

The WebSync client.


Joins an IceLink conference.

Declared In


– leaveConferenceWithArgs:

Leaves an IceLink conference.
- (FMWebSyncClient *)leaveConferenceWithArgs:(FMIceLinkWebSync4LeaveConferenceArgs *)args



The arguments.

Return Value

The WebSync client.


Leaves an IceLink conference.

Declared In


+ leaveConferenceWithClient:args:

Leaves an IceLink conference.
+ (FMWebSyncClient *)leaveConferenceWithClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client args:(FMIceLinkWebSync4LeaveConferenceArgs *)args



The WebSync client.


The arguments.

Return Value

The WebSync client.


Leaves an IceLink conference.

Declared In


– reconnectRemoteClient:failedConnection:

Reconnects remote client.
- (void)reconnectRemoteClient:(FMIceLinkWebSync4PeerClient *)remoteClient failedConnection:(FMIceLinkConnection *)failedConnection



The remote client.


Failed connection that requires reconnection.


Reconnects remote client.

Declared In


+ reconnectRemoteClient:remoteClient:failedConnection:

Reconnects remote client.
+ (void)reconnectRemoteClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client remoteClient:(FMIceLinkWebSync4PeerClient *)remoteClient failedConnection:(FMIceLinkConnection *)failedConnection



The WebSync client.


The remote client.


Failed connection that requires reconnection.


Reconnects remote client.

Declared In


+ renegotiateWithClient:conferenceChannel:connection:

Commences session description renegotiation for the specified connection.
+ (FMIceLinkFuture *)renegotiateWithClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client conferenceChannel:(NSString *)conferenceChannel connection:(FMIceLinkConnection *)connection



The WebSync client.


Conference channel.


The connection on which to renegotiate.


Commences session description renegotiation for the specified connection.

Declared In


– renegotiateWithConferenceChannel:connection:

Commences session description renegotiation for the specified connection.
- (FMIceLinkFuture *)renegotiateWithConferenceChannel:(NSString *)conferenceChannel connection:(FMIceLinkConnection *)connection



Conference channel.


The connection on which to renegotiate.


Commences session description renegotiation for the specified connection.

Declared In


FMWebSyncChatExtensions Methods

+ getUserIdKeyWithChannel:

Gets the binding key for a user ID.

+ (NSString *)getUserIdKeyWithChannel:(NSString *)channel



subscribed channel.


Gets the binding key for a user ID.

Declared In


+ getUserNicknameKeyWithChannel:

Gets the binding key for a user nickname.

+ (NSString *)getUserNicknameKeyWithChannel:(NSString *)channel



subscribed channel.


Gets the binding key for a user nickname.

Declared In


+ joinWithClient:joinArgs:

Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

+ (FMWebSyncClient *)joinWithClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client joinArgs:(FMWebSyncChatJoinArgs *)joinArgs





join arguments. See for details. The client.


Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– joinWithJoinArgs:

Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)joinWithJoinArgs:(FMWebSyncChatJoinArgs *)joinArgs





join arguments. See for details. The client.


Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– joinWithArgs:

Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)joinWithArgs:(FMWebSyncChatJoinArgs *)joinArgs





join arguments. See for details. The client.


Binds/subscribes the client to the channel with the specified user ID and nickname. When the join completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the joined channel, user ID, and user nickname, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


+ leaveWithClient:leaveArgs:

Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

+ (FMWebSyncClient *)leaveWithClient:(FMWebSyncClient *)client leaveArgs:(FMWebSyncChatLeaveArgs *)leaveArgs





leave arguments. See for details. The client.


Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– leaveWithLeaveArgs:

Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)leaveWithLeaveArgs:(FMWebSyncChatLeaveArgs *)leaveArgs





leave arguments. See for details. The client.


Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In


– leaveWithArgs:

Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

- (FMWebSyncClient *)leaveWithArgs:(FMWebSyncChatLeaveArgs *)leaveArgs





leave arguments. See for details. The client.


Unsubscribes/unbinds the client from the channel. When the leave completes successfully, the OnSuccess callback will be invoked, passing in the left channel, including any modifications made on the server.

Declared In
