FMWebSyncBaseClient Class Reference

Inherits from FMDynamic : FMSerializable : NSObject
Declared in FMWebSync.h


Base class for WebSync clients and publishers.

– addOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpRequestCreated:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpRequestCreatedBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpRequestCreatedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpResponseReceived:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnHttpResponseReceivedBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)addOnHttpResponseReceivedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– addOnRequestCreatedWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnRequestCreatedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– addOnRequestCreated:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– addOnRequestCreatedWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnRequestCreatedWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– addOnRequestCreatedBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnRequestCreatedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– addOnResponseReceivedWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnResponseReceivedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– addOnResponseReceived:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– addOnResponseReceivedWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnResponseReceivedWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– addOnResponseReceivedBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (FMCallback *)addOnResponseReceivedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– addOnUnhandledExceptionWithValue:

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnhandledExceptionWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


– addOnUnhandledException:

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnhandledException:(FMCallback *)value


Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


– addOnUnhandledExceptionWithValueBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnhandledExceptionWithValueBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnhandledExceptionArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


– addOnUnhandledExceptionBlock:

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (FMCallback *)addOnUnhandledExceptionBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncUnhandledExceptionArgs *))valueBlock


Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


+ baseClient

Initializes a new instance of the class.

+ (FMWebSyncBaseClient *)baseClient


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


– concurrencyMode

Gets a flag indicating the level of concurrency in the current process. The intended use of this property is to lighten the processor load when hundreds or thousands of instances are created in a single process for the purposes of generating load for testing.

- (FMWebSyncConcurrencyMode)concurrencyMode


Gets a flag indicating the level of concurrency in the current process. The intended use of this property is to lighten the processor load when hundreds or thousands of instances are created in a single process for the purposes of generating load for testing.

Declared In


– createHeaders

Creates an initial set of headers, including the domain key and domain name.

- (FMNameValueCollection *)createHeaders


Creates an initial set of headers, including the domain key and domain name.

Declared In


– disableBinary

Gets whether to disable the transmission of binary payloads as binary on the wire. If set to true, binary payloads will be sent over the wire as base64-encoded strings.

- (bool)disableBinary


Gets whether to disable the transmission of binary payloads as binary on the wire. If set to true, binary payloads will be sent over the wire as base64-encoded strings.

Declared In


– domainKey

Gets the domain key for sandboxing connections to the server. Defaults to “11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this should be set to the private domain key if you are attempting to use methods that have been secured in the Portal; otherwise, use the public domain key.

- (FMGuid *)domainKey


Gets the domain key for sandboxing connections to the server. Defaults to “11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this should be set to the private domain key if you are attempting to use methods that have been secured in the Portal; otherwise, use the public domain key.

Declared In


– domainKeyString

Gets the as a string value.

- (NSString *)domainKeyString


Gets the as a string value.

Declared In


– domainName

Gets the domain name to send as the Referrer with each request. Defaults to “localhost”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this field is only necessary if you are using the public domain key, in which case it should be set to equal the domain name entered in the Portal for the domain key (e.g. “”).

- (NSString *)domainName


Gets the domain name to send as the Referrer with each request. Defaults to “localhost”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this field is only necessary if you are using the public domain key, in which case it should be set to equal the domain name entered in the Portal for the domain key (e.g. “”).

Declared In


– init

Initializes a new instance of the class.

- (id)init


Initializes a new instance of the class.

Declared In


– raiseUnhandledExceptionWithException:

Raises an unhandled exception.

- (bool)raiseUnhandledExceptionWithException:(NSException *)exception



unhandled exception. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false.


Raises an unhandled exception.

Declared In


– raiseUnhandledException:

Raises an unhandled exception.

- (bool)raiseUnhandledException:(NSException *)exception



unhandled exception. true if the exception was handled; otherwise, false.


Raises an unhandled exception.

Declared In


– removeOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)removeOnHttpRequestCreatedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– removeOnHttpRequestCreated:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)removeOnHttpRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– removeOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)removeOnHttpResponseReceivedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– removeOnHttpResponseReceived:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)removeOnHttpResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– removeOnRequestCreatedWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (void)removeOnRequestCreatedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– removeOnRequestCreated:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (void)removeOnRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– removeOnResponseReceivedWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (void)removeOnResponseReceivedWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– removeOnResponseReceived:

Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (void)removeOnResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– removeOnUnhandledExceptionWithValue:

Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (void)removeOnUnhandledExceptionWithValue:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


– removeOnUnhandledException:

Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

- (void)removeOnUnhandledException:(FMCallback *)value


Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown in user code and not handled, typically in a callback or event handler.

Declared In


– requestTimeout

Gets the number of milliseconds to wait for a standard request to return a response before it is aborted and another request is attempted. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

- (int)requestTimeout


Gets the number of milliseconds to wait for a standard request to return a response before it is aborted and another request is attempted. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

Declared In


– requestUrl

Gets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler, typically ending with websync.ashx.

- (NSString *)requestUrl


Gets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler, typically ending with websync.ashx.

Declared In


– setConcurrencyMode:

Sets a flag indicating the level of concurrency in the current process. The intended use of this property is to lighten the processor load when hundreds or thousands of instances are created in a single process for the purposes of generating load for testing.

- (void)setConcurrencyMode:(FMWebSyncConcurrencyMode)value


Sets a flag indicating the level of concurrency in the current process. The intended use of this property is to lighten the processor load when hundreds or thousands of instances are created in a single process for the purposes of generating load for testing.

Declared In


– setDisableBinary:

Sets whether to disable the transmission of binary payloads as binary on the wire. If set to true, binary payloads will be sent over the wire as base64-encoded strings.

- (void)setDisableBinary:(bool)value


Sets whether to disable the transmission of binary payloads as binary on the wire. If set to true, binary payloads will be sent over the wire as base64-encoded strings.

Declared In


– setDomainKey:

Sets the domain key for sandboxing connections to the server. Defaults to “11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this should be set to the private domain key if you are attempting to use methods that have been secured in the Portal; otherwise, use the public domain key.

- (void)setDomainKey:(FMGuid *)value


Sets the domain key for sandboxing connections to the server. Defaults to “11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this should be set to the private domain key if you are attempting to use methods that have been secured in the Portal; otherwise, use the public domain key.

Declared In


– setDomainKeyString:

Sets the as a string value.

- (void)setDomainKeyString:(NSString *)value


Sets the as a string value.

Declared In


– setDomainName:

Sets the domain name to send as the Referrer with each request. Defaults to “localhost”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this field is only necessary if you are using the public domain key, in which case it should be set to equal the domain name entered in the Portal for the domain key (e.g. “”).

- (void)setDomainName:(NSString *)value


Sets the domain name to send as the Referrer with each request. Defaults to “localhost”. If you are using WebSync On-Demand, this field is only necessary if you are using the public domain key, in which case it should be set to equal the domain name entered in the Portal for the domain key (e.g. “”).

Declared In


– setRequestTimeout:

Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a standard request to return a response before it is aborted and another request is attempted. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

- (void)setRequestTimeout:(int)value


Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a standard request to return a response before it is aborted and another request is attempted. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

Declared In


– setRequestUrl:

Sets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler, typically ending with websync.ashx.

- (void)setRequestUrl:(NSString *)value


Sets the absolute URL of the WebSync request handler, typically ending with websync.ashx.

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