FMWebSyncMessageRequestArgs Class Reference

Inherits from FMDynamic : FMSerializable : NSObject
Declared in FMWebSync.h


Arguments for sending a message request.

– headers

Gets the headers for the request.

- (FMNameValueCollection *)headers


Gets the headers for the request.

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– initWithHeaders:

Initializes a new instance of the class with default values.

- (id)initWithHeaders:(FMNameValueCollection *)headers


Initializes a new instance of the class with default values.

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– isBinary

Gets whether or not each message in the batch is in binary format and can be tranferred as such.

- (bool)isBinary


Gets whether or not each message in the batch is in binary format and can be tranferred as such.

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+ messageRequestArgsWithHeaders:

Initializes a new instance of the class with default values.

+ (FMWebSyncMessageRequestArgs *)messageRequestArgsWithHeaders:(FMNameValueCollection *)headers


Initializes a new instance of the class with default values.

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– messages

Gets the messages to transfer.

- (NSMutableArray *)messages


Gets the messages to transfer.

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– onHttpRequestCreated

Gets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)onHttpRequestCreated


Gets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

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– onHttpResponseReceived

Gets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (FMCallback *)onHttpResponseReceived


Gets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– onRequestCreated

Gets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (FMCallback *)onRequestCreated


Gets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– onResponseReceived

Gets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (FMCallback *)onResponseReceived


Gets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

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– sender

Gets the sender of the content, either a client or publisher.

- (NSObject *)sender


Gets the sender of the content, either a client or publisher.

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– setHeaders:

Sets the headers for the request.

- (void)setHeaders:(FMNameValueCollection *)value


Sets the headers for the request.

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– setMessages:

Sets the messages to transfer.

- (void)setMessages:(NSMutableArray *)value


Sets the messages to transfer.

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– setOnHttpRequestCreated:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)setOnHttpRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– setOnHttpRequestCreatedBlock:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)setOnHttpRequestCreatedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP request has been created and is about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to add headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– setOnHttpResponseReceived:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)setOnHttpResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– setOnHttpResponseReceivedBlock:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

- (void)setOnHttpResponseReceivedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMHttpResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Sets the callback to invoke whenever an underlying HTTP response has been received and is about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read headers/cookies. For WebSocket streams, this will fire only once for the initial HTTP-based handshake.

Declared In


– setOnRequestCreated:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (void)setOnRequestCreated:(FMCallback *)value


Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– setOnRequestCreatedBlock:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

- (void)setOnRequestCreatedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageRequestCreatedArgs *))valueBlock


Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new request is created and about to be transferred to the server. This is a good place to read or modify outgoing messages.

Declared In


– setOnResponseReceived:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (void)setOnResponseReceived:(FMCallback *)value


Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– setOnResponseReceivedBlock:

Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

- (void)setOnResponseReceivedBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FMWebSyncMessageResponseReceivedArgs *))valueBlock


Sets the callback to invoke whenever a new response is received and about to be processed by the client. This is a good place to read or modify incoming messages.

Declared In


– setSender:

Sets the sender of the content, either a client or publisher.

- (void)setSender:(NSObject *)value


Sets the sender of the content, either a client or publisher.

Declared In


– setTimeout:

Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the transfer. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

- (void)setTimeout:(int)value


Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the transfer. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

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– setUrl:

Sets the target URL for the request.

- (void)setUrl:(NSString *)value


Sets the target URL for the request.

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– timeout

Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the transfer. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

- (int)timeout


Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the transfer. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds).

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– url

Gets the target URL for the request.

- (NSString *)url


Gets the target URL for the request.

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