FMIceLinkSort Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in FMIceLinkSort.h


Encapsulates useful sorting utilities.

+ quickSortWithArray:comparer:

Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array.

+ (void)quickSortWithArray:(NSMutableArray *)array comparer:(FMIceLinkFunction2 *)comparer



The array of elements.


The function used to compare elements in the array - should return less than 0 if item 1 is less than item 2 (item 1 should appear before item 2), 0 if the items are equal, or more than 0 is item 1 is greater than item 2 (item 1 should appear after item 2).


Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array.

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+ quickSortWithArray:comparerBlock:

Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array.

+ (void)quickSortWithArray:(NSMutableArray *)array comparerBlock:(FMIceLinkCompareResult ( ^ ) ( id , id ))comparerBlock



The array of elements.


The function used to compare elements in the array - should return less than 0 if item 1 is less than item 2 (item 1 should appear before item 2), 0 if the items are equal, or more than 0 is item 1 is greater than item 2 (item 1 should appear after item 2).


Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array.

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+ quickSortWithArrayAndComparerBlock

Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array. @inlineparam array The array of elements. @inlineparam comparerBlock The function used to compare elements in the array - should return less than 0 if item 1 is less than item 2 (item 1 should appear before item 2), 0 if the items are equal, or more than 0 is item 1 is greater than item 2 (item 1 should appear after item 2).

+ (void ( ^ ) ( NSMutableArray *, FMIceLinkCompareResult ( ^ ) ( id , id ) ))quickSortWithArrayAndComparerBlock


Sorts an array using the in-place quick[sort](#//api/name/sort) algorithm.

The type of elements in the array. @inlineparam array The array of elements. @inlineparam comparerBlock The function used to compare elements in the array - should return less than 0 if item 1 is less than item 2 (item 1 should appear before item 2), 0 if the items are equal, or more than 0 is item 1 is greater than item 2 (item 1 should appear after item 2).

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